We are here to help you as much and as best as we can.
If you want your business to work smarter and faster, cloud accounting software is a necessity. Working in the cloud will give you a better overview of your finances, and improve your collaboration with us.
Not having a cloud based accounting software consumes far too much of your precious business time and effort. It doesn't add value, and takes the fun out of being in business. Our cloud software can save your business time and money.
There are security and rigidity issues with any traditional accounting software and they are not as dynamic and versatile. And historical data extracted from a traditional accounting software defeats the objective of being able to make informed and effective decisions when really needed.
The cloud is a platform that makes your accounting data and software accessible online anytime, anywhere, from any device. All you need is an internet connection!
The beauty of this software is the flexibility it gives you to run your business from work, home, or on the go. You can be confident that you have an up-to-date picture of how your business is doing, no matter where you are.
Online accounting means small business owners stay more connected to their accountants. It keeps us, as your accountants, actively involved with many aspects of your business which can lead to more efficient and effective tax planning, better cash flow management and live access to your reports 24/7.
Cloud security is world class
As a small business owner, you might be concerned about a cloud service provider storing your data. But the cloud is one of the most secure ways to store information. For example, using cloud software, if your laptop is stolen, no one can access your data unless they have a login to the online account.
All of your information is safely and securely stored off site. In the event of a natural disaster or fire, being in the cloud means business productivity doesn’t need to be affected because there’s no downtime. As long as you have access to any computer or mobile device connected to the internet, you’re back up and running.
In addition to this, if you invite users to view your data, you can control the level of access. This is much more secure than the old-fashioned way of emailing your files or sending out a USB stick with your data on it.
Cloud-based software companies ensure that the security and privacy of data about you and your organisation is always airtight. If you use online banking, then you’re already primed to use cloud accounting.
Five ways cloud software benefits your business
- You have a clear overview of your current financial position, in real-time.
- Multi-user access makes it easy to collaborate online with your team
and advisors.
- Worry-free maintenance means you can spend more time doing what you love.
- Everything is run online, so there’s nothing to install and everything is backed up automatically. Updates are free and instantly available.
- Upfront business costs are reduced – version upgrades, maintenance, system administration costs and server failures are no longer issues. Instead, they are managed by the cloud service provider.